Boss & Co. 4297
A rare chance to buy a Boss sidelock ejector with original Damascus barrels. This is the traditional square-body sidelock. The gun is in excellent restored order, having come from a private collection. Excellent woodwork, nice 30" barrels and two triggers to help with long-term reliability. A very usable best Boss game gun, dating from 1895. No.1 of a trio. A practical classic in every sense of the word.
Enquire About this GunDetails
Maker: Boss & Co.
Stock Number: 12TM297
Gauge: 12
Location: England
Grip: Straight Hand
Length to heel: 14 3/4"
Length to centre: 14 3/4"
Length to toe: 15 1/16"
Catch: Anson Pushrod
Ejectors: Boss
Type: Damascus
Rib: Concave
Length: 30"
Chambers: 2 1/2"
Choke: right: I.C left: 1/2
Walls: right: 23 left: 22
Bores: right: .740 left: .740
Serial Number: 4297