Vintage Guns - Classic British Shotguns and Rifles copyright Vintage Guns 2019

George Gibbs 20900


A lovely pair of one-owner Holland & Holland system self-opening sidelock ejectors. Built in 1977 by David Dryhurst (W.W.Greener) and sporting the name George Gibbs. These guns were commissioned and built to commemmorate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 1977. Best quality throughout, with chopper-lump barrels (2 3/4" chambers) and stunning French walnut stocks, the guns remain in superb condition and show little evidence of use. No.1 appears to have been lightly used, based on some wear to the black on the guard strap but No.2 appears almost unused. Each gun is individually cased in a lightweight leather case, with accessories. These guns would cost over £120,000 to commission today.

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Stock Number: 11V900

Gauge: 12

Location: England


Grip: Straight Hand

Length to heel: 14 1/2"

Length to centre: 14 1/4"

Length to toe: 14 5/8"


Catch: Anson

Ejectors: Southgate


Type: Steel Chopper Lump

Rib: Concave

Length: 28"

Chambers: 2 3/4"

Choke: right: I.C left: 1/2

Walls: right: 28 left: 28

Bores: right: .729" left: .729"

Serial Number: 20900 & 20901