Rosson 3175
A heavy and solid Rosson wildfowing gun with 3" chambers, proofed for 1 1/2oz of shot. Heavy action with side-clips and Greener cross bolt.
Enquire About this GunDetails
Maker: Rosson
Stock Number: 07L175
Type: Boxlock
Gauge: 12
Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Location: England
Grip: Semi Pistol
Length to heel: 14"
Length to centre: 14"
Length to toe: 14 1/2"
Catch: Deeley & Edge
Ejectors: N/A
Type: Steel
Rib: Concave (Stippled)
Length: 28"
Chambers: 3"
Choke: right: 3/4 left: 3/4
Walls: right: 30+ left: 30+
Bores: right: .734 left: .733
Serial Number: 3175