Vintage Guns - Classic British Shotguns and Rifles copyright Vintage Guns 2019

Westley Richards 16026

£4,500.00 - SOLD

Westley Richards 12-bore 'drop-lock' made in 1910 and re-barrelled and re-stocked by the maker. Excellent mechanically with a large gold oval in the stock. This is a vintage action restored to create a modern game gun.

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Maker: Westley Richards

Gauge: 12

Location: England


Grip: Straight Hand

Length to heel: 15 1/2"

Length to centre: 15 1/2"

Length to toe: 15 3/4"


Catch: Deeley & Edge

Ejectors: Deeley


Type: Steel

Rib: Concave

Length: 28"

Chambers: 2 3/4"

Choke: right: I.C left: 3/4

Walls: right: 30 left: 30

Serial Number: 16026