Issue 68 February 2025

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Dating your Reilly Gun or Rifle

Gene Williams has the data that can help you.

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Guns & Gunmakers|September 2020

Like many, if not most  gunmakers of the Victorian era, Reilly Gunmakers (later E.M. Reilly) closed their doors and destroyed their records when business ceased. At least, the records, if they still exist, are not known.

In order to help owners work out the likely date of manufacture of any Reilly gun or rifle, Gene Williams has compilied a painstaking set of data, which can be used to decipher the likely origin, by serial number, patent use number, address change and proof mark analysis.

1828-1912 - Extant Gun Chronology

This is the current SN list with extant guns used to make the chronology date-chart. Reilly SN'd around 33,000 guns from the early 1820's to 1912. There are about 390 listed here (not including the Riggs numbered guns) with about 50 more known but with SN's not published, a little more than 1% of the company's serial-numbered production but still a good sample. This list should get a Reilly owner close to the date his gun was numbered. It's more accurate from about 1855-1905 because of the number of existing guns. Caveats and Methodology - see above/below.

*Note: First Reilly pin-fire center-break gun found is 1856. The majority of Reilly center-break guns up to about 1873 were pin-fires, often converted to center-fire. After 1874 "pin-fire/center-fire" designation is no longer used as center-fire became the norm.

Year. . . . . . . . . . . .Serial Numbers. . . . . . . . . .yearly production
. . . Black-Main Chronology; Blue - JC “7000” series. . . . . .*Marker footnotes. **Sanity checks
outlier SN's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Various known patents on SN'd extant guns

1828: . . 001 - . .050 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. .*1

1829: . . 051 - . .180. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
….162 - J.C. Reilly, Holborn Bars, London. 14 bore. Shotgun; percussion, single-barreled muzzle-loader (Henry Nock Patent breech)
….176 - J.C. Reilly, Holborn Bars, London. .50cal. Pistols; Pair of percussion dueling pistols (Buffum)

1830: . . 181 - . .320. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
...254 - J.C. Reilly? (no address mentioned). Percussion pistol per Terry Weiland article.

1831: . . 321 - . .460. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
1832: . . 461 - . .600. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
1833: . . 601 - . .750. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150

1834: . . 751 - . .900. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
..xxxx - J.C. Reilly, Holborn Bars, London. 14bore. Sporting gun. Single barrel, muzzle loader. "highly figured stock" (Picture)
..xxxx - J.C. Reilly, Holborn Bars, London. .45 Cal. Pistol, 14cm long muzzle loading, steel barrel, percussion pocket

1835: . . 901 - .1060. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180. .*2. 1024
..xxxx - Joseph Charles Reilly, 316 High Holborn, London. 50cal. Pistol; Percussion single-steel barrel muzzle loader
..1024 - Reilly, 316 High Holborn, London. 8.5mm. Pistol; hammer gun, steel barrel, pocket pistol (1st SN's gun with High Holborn on the rib)

1836: ..1061 - .1240. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
..1174 - J.C. Reilly (no address). 8 bore. Fowling piece; Percussion single shot, single barrel, muzzle loader.

1837: ..1241 - .1420. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
..1292 - Reilly, London, 120 bore, Pistol; steel barrel, percussion miniature pocket pistol. (Last numbered pistol)

1838: ..1421 - .1600. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
1839: ..1601 - .1810. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

1840: ..1811 - .2040. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
..1869 - (unknown) 10 ga. Shotgun; SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader (Buffum)

1841: ..2041 - .2270. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
1842: ..2271 - .2500. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
1843: ..2501 - .2730. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
1844: ..2731 - .2960. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
..4573 (Outlier)- J.C. Reilly, 316 High Holborn, London. Single barrel, 6 bore waterfowler. Muzzle loader, hammer gun. ("7" bore size stamp)(Buffum)

1845: ..2961 - .3180. + 7000 - 7020. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
..xxxx - J.C. Reilly, 316 High Holborn, London. 10 bore. Shotgun; SxS; hammer gun, Muzzle loader "highly figured stock" (pic available)

[u]1846: ..3181 - .3330. + 7020 - 7130. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230. .*3. 7023. ,*4. 3329
..xxxx - Joseph Charles Reilly, 316 High Holborn, London. 10 bore? Shotgun; SxS; hammer gun, Muzzle loader.
..7023 - J.C. Reilly, 316 High Holborn, London. 11bore. Shotgun SxS. Muzzle Loader, hammer gun. (1st JC 7000 series but with Holborn still on the rib)
..3329 -Joseph Charles Reilly, 316 High Holburn, London. 10 ga/.58 cal; Shotgun; SxS; hammer gun, Muzzle loader. (Nock patent breech)(Last SN at High Holborn).

1847: ..3331 - .3350. + 7131 - 7230. + 8350 - 8480 - . . . . .250. .*5. 8378. .*6. 7201. .**1. 7201
..5512 (outlier) - Joseph Charles Reilly, 316 High Holborn now 502 Oxford Street; 16 bore SxS Shotgun. Hammergun, Muzzle loader. 16 Bore size stamp (Argo44)
..8378? - J.C. Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London (label - “removed from Holborn”); 10 bore; Shotgun SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader. (First New Oxford 8400 series)
..8463 - Reilly, New Oxford Street, London (label-"J.C. Reilly, removed from Holborn"); .390 cal. SxS Rifle; 5 groove rifling, muzzle loader.
..84xx - Reilly, 502 Oxford Street, London; 6 Bore; Shotgun, single barrel, hammer gun, muzzle loader.
..7201 - Joseph Charles Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London; (label - "Removed from Holborn") .577 cal; Rifle, Single barrel, hammer gun, muzzle loader. (1st JC 7000 series with Oxford St.rib)

1848: ..8481 - .8640. + 7231 - 7330. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
..8578? - Reilly, New Oxford Street, London; 6 bore single barrel, fowling gun, hammer gun, muzzle loader.

1849: ..8641 - .8800. + 7331 - 7440. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
..8645 - Reilly, New Oxford Street, London; 16 bore, double-rifle, SxS muzzle loader.

1850: ..8801 - .8960. + 7441 - 7540. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
1851: ..8961 - .9130. + 7541 - 7640. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
1852: ..9131 - .9300. + 7641 - 7740. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

1853: ..9301 - .9490. + 7741 - 7830. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
..7801 - Reilly, New Oxford Street, London; 28 bore; Walking cane gun.
..7802 - J.C. Reilly, New Oxford St., London; 6 bore, Single Barrel, muzzle loader, hammer wildfowl gun

1854: ..9491 - .9680. + 7831 - 7930. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
..7869 - J.C. Reilly, New Oxford St. London; 12 ga; Shotgun; SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader (Buffum)(SXS40)12 bore stamp.
..2008 outlier - Joseph Charles Reilly, New Oxford Street, London. 14 bore. Shotgun SxS; muzzle loader hammer gun. 14 bore stamp.

1855: ..9681 - .9880. + 7931 - 8030. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
..8025 - Reilly, New Oxford St. London; 13 bore, single-barrel Rifle; hammer gun, muzzle loader (Buffum). (marked Veni, Vidi, Vici)

1856: ..9881- 10170. + 8021 - 8120. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390. . . . .**2. Overdone by orders after Paris. .#3. 10064
..3514 outlier - Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London. 13bore. Shotgun SxS; muzzle loader, hammer gun (1855-59 case label)13 bore stamp.
..8052 - Reilly, New Oxford St., London. 20 bore. single-barrel Rifle. Hammer gun, muzzle loader. (marked Veni, Vidi, Vici)
10054 - Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London. 15 bore, SxS Rifle, pin-fire, Single-bite, Lang-Lefaucheux forward U-L. 1st SN'd extant center-break gun

1857: 10171 - 10510. + 8121 - 8200. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410. .*7. 8186

10315 - Reilly, New Oxford Street, London; 6bore. Shotgun; single barrel, hammer gun, muzzle loader.
10354 - Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London; .400 cal. Rifle; SxS original muzzle loader, now double breech loader. (conversion 1895-1904 by John Fry-new receiver, U-L, hammers, stock.)
..8186 - Reilly, New Oxford St., London. .650 (Minie ball). single-barrel Rifle. hammer gun, muzzle loader. (marked Veni, Vidi, Vici) (Last JC made gun)

1858: 10511 - 10930. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420. . . . .**4. 10655. .**5. 10782. .**6. 10811
10619 - Reilly, New Oxford St., London; .380 cal; Rifle, single barrel, hammer gun, muzzle loader, “Park Rifle”
10621 - Reilly, London; .376 cal. Rifle; Single barrel, hammer gun, muzzle loader.
10641 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; 12 ga. SxS; center break, pin-fire, single-bite under-lever under forearm, hammer gun; Lefaucheux/Lang system (Birmingham proofs on barrel)
10655 - E.M. Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London; 12 ga. SxS; center break, pin-fire, single-bite under-lever under forearm, hammer gun; Lefaucheux/lang system (New Zealand)
10670 - Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London; ?? Cal. Rifle; SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader.
10782 - Reilly, New Oxford St. London. .577 cal; Rifle; single barrel, breech loader, hammer gun, Frederic Prince patent (1855). (1st Prince patent)
10811 - Reilly & Co., Oxford Street., London. .25 bore (sic) (probably .577), single barrel breech-loader hammer gun, Frederic Prince Patent (1st use of "Oxford St." and "Reilly & Co.")

1859: 10931 - 11340. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430. .*8. 10811. .*9. 11227. .**7. 11227
11227 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London; .577 cal. Rifle; Enfield, 3 band, hammer gun, muzzle loader 1st extant SN gun with "E.M. Reilly & Co." on the rib

1860: 11341 - 11770. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430. . . . .**8. 11716
11419 - Reilly, 315 & 502 Oxford Street, London; .577 cal Rifle; Enfield, 2 band, hammer gun, muzzle loader. (1st SN'd long gun with "315" on a gun rib)
11645 - Reilly, 502 New Oxford Street, London. 100 bore; Rifle, single barrel, breech loader, Frederic Prince patent
11651 - E.M. Reilly, Oxford St., London. .577 cal; Enfield type, hammer gun, muzzle loader converted to Snider breech loader by Reilly (name/address on side plate).
11xxx - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street London (Reilly on case); 11mm. 4 barrel shotgun, hammer gun, muzzle loader
11716 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; .577 Enfield rifle. muzzle loader, volunteer rifles. Presented as a prize Christmas 1860

1861: 11771 - 12210. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
11820 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned); 12 gauge, Shotgun SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader, steel barrels?
11937 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford St., London; 4 bore, Shotgun single barrel; U-L, non-rebounding hammer gun (original muzzle loader, converted to center-break/center-fire by J. Squires)
12069 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 & 502 Oxford Street, London; .451 cal. Rifle; hammer gun, muzzle loader.
12073 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 & 502 Oxford Street, London; .451 cal. Rifle: hammer gun, muzzle loader; Sutherland rifle target sight
12088 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not legible); .451 cal. Rifle; hammer gun, muzzle loader.

1862: 12211 - 12740. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430. . . . .**9. 12532
12251 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford St., London; SxS Cape rifle .25 bore/.500; hammer gun, muzzle loader.
12532 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street, London; 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. gilded hammer gun, muzzle loader. London Exposition gun mentioned in several articles

1863: 12741 - 13170. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
12861 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street., London; 12 bore, Shotgun SxS. hammer gun, muzzle Loader.
12855 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned); 14 bore, shotgun SxS. hammer gun; muzzle Loader.
12920 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street., London; 14 bore Shotgun SxS. hammer gun, muzzle loader;
(1)3007 outlier? - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 Oxford Street, London; 16 bore, SxS; pin-fire, under-lever, hammer-gun (the "1" is hypothetical)
13033 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; 20 bore; Shotgun SxS; pin-fire, Jones under-lever (U-L), hammer gun (Buffum)
13081 - E.M. Reilly & Co. (Address not mentioned); 14 bore SxS shotgun, U-L, non-rebounding hammer gun.
13132 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London. 40 bore (.50) SxS Percussion breech-loading Rifle, "Terry’s patent:
13165 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; .451 military target rifle; hammer gun, muzzle-Loader. 5 groove rifling.

1864: 13171 - 13600. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430. . . . .**10. 13333
13194 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. pin-fire, back action, hammer gun (parts only)
13224 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (sleeved barrels). 12 ba. Shotgun SxS. pin-fire (converted), U-L, back-action hammer gun.
13333 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford St., London; .577 cal. Rifle; single barrel, breech loader, hammer gun, Gun 23 of Green Bros 1862 patent, Reilly manufacture
13578 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore SxS shotgun, hammer gun, muzzle-loader.
13580 - (name/address not mentioned). 8 bore, shotgun, single barrel, pin-fire, U-L hammer gun. (Rudyard)
13590 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street, London. 10 bore; Rifle SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader.
13599 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street, London. 12 bore; Rifle SxS; 2 groove double express, hammer gun, muzzle loader.

1865: 13601 - 14030. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
13602 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (rib relaid in India), 8 bore, Double Rifle; muzzle loader (numbered 296 on the replaced trigger guard - Indian gun)
13688 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; 20 bore; Shotgun single barrel (originally a rifle); center-fire, U-L, hammer gun. Joseph Brazier action; first extant center-break, center-fire gun (rifle)
13691 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun, full scroll work. (pin-fire or center-fire not mentioned)
13816 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). Shotgun SxS. 12 ga. pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
13884 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); .577 single barrel breech loading Green Bros Patent rifle. Gun 159 of Green Bros 1862 patent

1866: 14031 - 14460. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
14115 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. Shotgun SxS; center-fire, Jones U-L, hammer gun First extant center-break, center-fire shotgunSee 1866 patent of centerfire primer shells for shotguns
14356 - (name/address not mentioned). 12 bore shotgun SxS, pin-fire; U-L. Brum proofs (Rudyard)

1867: 14461 - 14910. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
14469 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 12 bore shotgun, SxS; pin-fire; U-L, bar-in-wood.
14580 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS; hammer gun, muzzle loader.
14672 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London; 12ga Shotgun SxS. pin-fire, U-L, back action, hammer gun. (Steve Nash's gun).
14763 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. .577 Single barrel Green Bros Patent rifle. Pat use #177

1868: 14911 - 15510. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600. .*10. 14983
14983 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & 2 rue Scribe, Paris; 8 bore. Shotgun SxS; U-L, hammer gun (unique center-fire hammers). (First Rue Scribe, Paris address)(12bore's gun)
14985 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 16 ga. Shotgun SxS; pin-fire (converted) to center-fire, U-L, hammer gun, (Buffum)(SXS40).
..3402 (outlier) - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & rue Scribe Paris; .577 cal, Rifle SxS; hammer gun, muzzle Loader (Buffum).
15021 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St, London. .577 Enfield. Volunteer Snider 3 band rifle. German silver rearsight cover stamped "Snider"
15129 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 Oxford St. London. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS; pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
15143 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 Oxford St. London, 12ga. Shotgun SxS; (pin-fire or center-fire unknown) U-L, hammer gun.
15227 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .577. Rifle, Snider Enfield conversion.
15239 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London. .577. Rifle, Snider-Enfield 2-band; Birmingham proof.
15255 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 10 bore Shotgun SxS, pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun. Pistol grip stock (possibly originally a rifle)
15270 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street London & Rue Scribe Paris. .577 Rifle SxS; pin-fire (converted), U-L. BPE. Non-rebounding hammers.
15272 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Rifle SxS., pin-fire (converted), Black Powder proof for 13 bore, U-L, hammer gun.
15283 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS; pin-fire (converted), U-L, hammer gun. (Buffum).
15287 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS'. center-fire (original), U-L, hammer gun. (Buffum)(SXS40)
15318 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12ga. Shotgun SxS; pin-fire (converted), U-L, hammer gun
15346 - E.M. Reilly & Co. (no further info). 12ga. Shotgun SxS; (orig pin-fire/center-fire unknown) U-L, hammer gun .

1869: 15511 - 16110. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
15531 - Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). .50cal Rifle Single barrel. Enfield type. hammer gun, muzzle loader. (Buffum).
15564 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 8 bore, shotgun SxS. C-F. U-L hammer gun (SN not clear)(Turkish site)
15625 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street, London, 2 Rue Scribe Paris. 4 bore. Shotgun SxS. pin-fire (converted); U-L, hammer gun. (George L.'s gun)
15857 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. center-break, center-fire, U-L. Non-rebounding hammers. (JBLondon's gun)
15961 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no further descriptions). 12bore. Rifle SxS; U-L, hammer gun.
15964 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London. 4 bore SxS rifle. pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16015 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 12 ga SxS shotgun. pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16036 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London. .577 Snider, sporterized

1870: 16111 - 16710. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
16139 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London and Paris. 12 bore. rifle. pin-fire (converted) U-L, hammer gun, rebounding bar-locks. Gold washed presentation-1994 DGJ article (Douglas Tate)First (original) rebounding hammers-(1867 patent)
16257 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16341 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (No further descriptions). .577cal. Rifle, Snider SxS. pin-fire (converted), U-L, hammer gun (Weiland); Thomas brains ejector pat use #10487
16356 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). 12 bore Shotgun SxS. Patent push forward U-L, hammer gun.
16359 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (action, stock, forearm only) 12 bore shotgun SxS. S-L, hammer gun.
16442 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street London. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. center-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16443 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
16583 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street London. 8mm. Shotgun SxS. center-fire, smoothbore. U-L, hammer gun.
16585 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London and Rue Scribe Paris. 10ga. Rifle SxS. center-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16607 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address/no photo). .577. Rifle; Single barrel. Snider Enfleld breech-loader.

1871: 16711 - 17310. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
16755 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London and 2 rue Scribe, Paris. Purdey snap thumb hole; hammer gun - in bar. (Rudyard)
16765 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & 2 Rue Scribe, Paris. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. center-fire, U-L, rebounding hammer gun, extractor.
16768 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address given). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. center-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16808 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore. Shotgun SxS; pin-fire (converted), U-L, hammer gun.
16810 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore. Shotgun SxS. pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun.
16961 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no further descriptions). 12bore. Rifle SxS. pin-fire, U-L hammer gun.
16987 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 Oxford St., London. Rifle SxS. hammer gun, muzzle loader. (stolen in Australia, 1875).
17x9x - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street London & Rue Scribe Paris; 12 gauge shotgun, SxS, hammer-gun.
17204 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & 2 Rue Scribe, Paris. 12 bore shotgun SxS, pin-fire, U-L non-rebounding hammergun.
17244 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London (Barrels by E.J. Churchill (Gun Makers) Ltd, 8 Agar Street, Strand, London. 12 bore. SxS Shotgun, center-fire, U-L, hammer gun
17261 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; .577 Double Rifle, pin-fire (converted), U-L, hammer gun.

1872: 17311 - 17910. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600. . . . .**11. 17314
17314- E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. .577/.450. Rifle Martini-Henry type single barrel.First Reilly Martini
17391 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 8bore. Shotgun SxS. pin-fire (converted), U-L, hammer gun. (Buffum)
17392 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London; 16 ga SxS Shotgun; center-fire, Side Lever, hammer-gun. (Buffum)
17393 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London and 2 Rue Scribe, Paris; 12bore. Shotgun SxS. center-fire, Push-forward U-L, hammer gun. Purdey Pat 1104, use #948 (CBL1's gun)
17476 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. center-fire, U-L, Hammer gun (Buffum) (Purdey Pat 1104)
17495 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 12 bore Shotgun SxS. U-L, pin-fire converted, hammer gun. (Tomato Stake's gun)
17532 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street and Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore. Shotgun SxS, muzzle loader. Once owned by Empress Eugenie.
17534 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London; 12 bore, SxS shotgun. center-fire, push-forward U-L, hammer gun, Purdy 1104 patent use # 1037.
17552 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 13 bore, Shotgun SxS. pin-fire (converted); U-L, hammer gun (reb87’s gun)
17556 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore, SxS shotgun. U-L, hammer gun.
17612 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12ga. SxS shotgun, C-F, Thumbhole U-L, hammer gun.

1873: 17911 - 18510. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
17979 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. Rifle SxS. .577. U-L, hammer gun

1874: 18511 - 19140. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
18514 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 8 bore. Single barrel rifle; Snider Patent & Newmark's Patent
18523 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street & rue Scribe, Paris. Shotgun SxS 12. bore; U-L, hammer gun, Purdey patent 1104, use #2135 (John Cambell)
18533 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London (address/name not stated); 16 ga. U-L, hammer gun; steel re-barrel.
18534 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London (address not mentioned): 8 bore, SxS; rifle; hammer gun, U-L, 28” barrel.
18536 - Illegible name. 20bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, back action hammergun.
18547 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 15 bore. Shotgun SxS; pin-fire, U-L, hammer gun. Needham’s Patent
18550 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. .577BPE. Rifle SxS; U-L, hammer gun(Buffum).
18593 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London and rue Scribe, Paris. 8bore, SxS shotgun; original CF, U-L, Hammer gun
18595 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. .450BPE. Rifle SxS. BPE; U-L, hammer gun.
18688 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 8 bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun
18763 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 10 bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, rebounding bar locks hammer gun.
18766 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 500BPE. Rifle SxS; U-L, rebounding hammer gun. (Krakow Kid's gun)
18782 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no barrels). 12 bore, U-L, hammer gun. Action/stock only
18797 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street London & rue Scribe, Paris. .500 BPE, U-L, hammer gun, Henry Patent A&T use# 399, 400
18856 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street London & Rue Scribe. Paris. Sxs .500 BPE. U-L, rebounding back-action hammer gun. Henry Patent A&T use# 448, 449
18860 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street London & Rue Scribe. Paris. 4 bore Shotgun SxS. U-L, non-rebounding hammer gun.
18954 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 500 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, rebounding hammer gun. (Krakow Kid's gun)

1875: 19141 - 19780. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640. . . . .**12. 19286
19187 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 39 bore (=.50 Cal) SxS Rifle, under-lever, hammer gun. (S. Africa gun)
19190 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London and Rue Scribe, Paris. 12 bore. Shotgun? SxS. BP proof, U-L, hammer gun; Purdey patent snap-action push-forward U-L, Parson’s Patent 201, 20Jan68 use #895, Scott key 1873 fore-end patent 3756. Purdey chopper lump patent; 25.5” barrels.
19286 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 10 bore. Shotgun SxS. Side lever?, Rebounding hammer gun. H.Walker patent 455, 12 Feb 1872 (use #1098); no "not for ball" or "choke."
19354 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). Shotgun (originally a rifle). single brl 20 bore. U-L, hammer gun.

1876: 19781 - 20430. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
19827 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Side lever, hammer gun. (Buffum). First with "not for ball" (barrel flats not pictured so not confirmed.)
19951 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned); 12 bore. SxS shotgun. Thumbhole U-L, hammer gun. 32” barrels. 9lbs 8.5oz
19953 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London. 500 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L hammer gun, steel barrels. Round back-acton lock. First steel barrel?
19954 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); ,500 BPE SxS Rifle. Top lever, rebounding back-locks. Purdey patent 1104
20100 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). Shotgun SxS. Ga. not mentioned, U-L hammer gun. no other info
20125 - Name on barrel not published. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. French site-no other info.
20255 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga, Shotgun SxS; top lever, hammer gun. First top lever?
20265 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .577/500 Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
203xx - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford St., London & rue Scribe, Paris. 500 BPE double rifle. U-L, hammer gun. Henry rifle patents.
20377 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); Shotgun SxS. 12 bore, U-L, hammer gun. (HWK's gun)
20396 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford St., London. 20ga. Shotgun SxS. Side lever, hammer gun.

1877: 20431 - 21080. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650. . . . .**13. 20623
20466 - E.M, Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London, 10 Bore. Shotgun SxS. Top-Lever hammer gun. Purdey pat 1104 use #3463; No "Not for Ball"
20467 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street London & Rue Scribe Paris. 12ga. Side lever hammer gun. (Irrational's gun)
20498 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address indistinct). 12 ga Shotgun. SxS, top lever hammer gun with ejector. Gun is in India.
20538 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London and rue Scribe, Paris. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. Sidelock, non-ejector, U-L, Back action hammer gun.
20614 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). Shotgun SxS. S-L, hammer gun.
20623 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London and Rue Scribe, Paris. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, rebounding hammer gun. Purdey patent 1104 use #4928
20674 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). BPE SxS rifle, .500 (3”). U-L, Hammer gun.
20681 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not pictured). 12bore SxS, Shotgun, Side lever, hammer gun. "Not for Ball"
20808 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. .500BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, rebounding hammer gun.
20827 - E.M. Reilly & Co., ???. 10bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, rebounding sidelock hammergun.

1878: 21081 - 21730. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
21098 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no other info). 10bore. Shotgun SxS. Sidelock, U-L, bar action hammer gun.
21099 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. Sidelock, hammer gun. Black powder proof.
21103 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford St., London. 12 ga. Shotgun single barrel. U-L, hammer gun. Black powder proof. Steel barrel.
21304 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .450/.500 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
21308 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .450 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
21339 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12bore. Shotgun SxS (2nd of a pair). U-L, rebounding hammer gun.
21361 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. .450BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun. Henry patent A&T use #3524, #3525
21369 - E.M. Reilly & Co., address not mentioned. .450 BPE Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun. Henry patent A&T use #3793, #3794; JP Patent use #1452
21403 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street. London. 12 ga. Shotgun single barrel. U-L, Hammer Gun
21440 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 Oxford Street, London; 12 bore, Shotgun SxS. U-L, percussion back-action locks.
21470 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris; Shotgun SxS, 16 gauge; top lever, hammer gun.
21486 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). .450 Double rifle. BPE, U-L hammer gun. Henry rifling
21534 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 8 bore SxS; U-L, hammer rifle. Non-rebounding locks

1879: 21731 - 22380. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
21761 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 500BPE. snap U-L, hammer gun.(SXS40)
21839 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 20 bore, SxS Shotgun. Top lever, hammer gun. (Diggory)
21883 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (on side plates); 20ga. Shotgun SxS. U-L, rebounding hammer gun. (Buffum)
21924 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 20 bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L hammer gun
22038 - (no name in ad). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
22068 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street London & Rue Scribe a Paris. 8 cal BPE. Rifle SxS. Back side lock hammer gun.
22077 - (no name in ad). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Hammerless, U-L, Whitworth patent First hammerless gun?
22093 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Steel barrels, U-L, Hammer gun. Thomas Woodward action. (Buffum)(SXS40).
22112 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12ga Shotgun SxS. U-L, Lang trigger plate action; internal hammer.
22210 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not legible). 12ga? Shotgun SxS. Sidelever, hammergun. No ejector. Bar action locks.
22228 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 10 ga, Shotgun (originally a rifle) SxS. U-L, hammer gun.

1880: 22381 - 22930. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
22423 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & rue Scribe Paris. 12bore SxS shotgun; side lever, hammer gun. Bar in wood. Anson release
22432 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford St., London. .577 SxS BPE Rilfle. U-L, hammer gun.
22574 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .360 Double Rifle; U-L., steel barrels, hammer gun, rebounding back locks. Henry patent rifling.

1881: 22931 - 23630. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700. .*11. 23536. .**14. 23536. .**15. 23574
23137 - E.M. Reilly & Co., address not mentioned; 8 bore shotgun; single barrel. U-L hammer gun.
23153 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & rue Scribe, Paris; 8 bore, Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
23172 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 Oxford St., London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Top lever. nammer gun. W.Anson/6912/patent.
23355 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore. Top lever, pigeon, hammer gun.
23362 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 16bore. Shotgun SxS; top lever, bar in wood, hammer gun.
23515 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address); 12bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, back action hammer gun.
23536 - E.M. Reilly & Co, 277 Oxford St., London. Shotgun SxS 12 ga. BLE. Steel Barrels. A&D Patent use #3814 (RWG’s gun)(1st use of renumbered addresses 277, 16)
23574 - No mention of name. 12 bore; Shotgun SxS; Side lever, Pigeon gun, third bite, hammer gun.

1882: 23631 - 24680. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050. . . . .**16. 24534
23746 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address/photo). 36ga. Rifle SxS. BPE top lever, back action, hammer gun. Gabriel restoration project.
23816 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. .22LR (relined). Rook rifle. S-L, hammer gun.(Buffum).
23843 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore. Shotgun SxS. Top lever, hammer gun.
23849 - E.M. Reilly & Co., No address mentioned. .577 SxS BPE rifle; 3” chamber, top lever, hammer gun; Henry rifling patent
23898 - E.M. Reilly & Co., No address mentioned. 28 bore SxS S-L Shotgun.
24354 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. top lever, steel barrels, hammer gun. (Buffum)
24365 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not given.). Shotgun SxS, 12 bore, top lever, 31” whitworth steel barrels, pigeon gun
24398 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 315 Oxford Street, London & rue Scribe, Paris; .500 BPE. Rifle SxS. 28" barrels. Best engraving, U-L, hammer gun.
24534 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore SxS Shotgun pigeon gun; top lever, hammer gun.
24627 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. .500 BPE. Rifle SxS. Top lever, hammer gun (Buffum)
24672 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 16ga. Shotgun SxS. Top lever, hammer gun. (Buffum)
24675 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore SxS. top lever, hammerless, back lock, non-ejector. Scott action patent 761.

1883: 24681 - 25730. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
24820 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 28 bore Shotgun SxS, Side-lever, hammer gun.
24850 - Rebarrelled. No name. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Steel Barrels by Norwich. Top lever, side lock. (Buffum)(SXS40)
24970 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore SxS Shotgun, top lever, hammer gun. 1868 proofs
25038 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Sreet, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12 Bore Shotgun SxS. Top lever, hammerless. Scott/Baker pat 761, use #200; Needham/Hinton sears (Pat 705) 1879 patent.
Xxxxx - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London and Rue Scribe, Paris. .500 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, non-rebounding hammers.
Xxxxx - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London & 2 Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore/.577. Cape gun SxS.
Xxxxx - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street London & 2 Rue Scribe, Paris. 8bore. Rifle SxS. Hammer gun, muzzle loader.
25161 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502, New Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. .500BPE/12ga. Rifle/Shotgun; side lever, hammer gun. (King of Spain prize - 1880 case; 1883 gun) Purdey double-bite patent 1104
25172 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned ) (type gun not mentioned)
25183 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address - Lindsey barrels). 12bore SxS Shotgun. top lever, hammerless, side lock.
25232 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502, New Oxford Street, London. Shotgun SxS. U-L, back action hammer gun.
25273 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502, New Oxford St., London. .450BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
25363 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 295 Oxford St., London*. 8 bore, SxS Shotgun. U-L hammer gun., 28” steel barrels (*re-barreled after 1903 move)
25449 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 late 502 New Oxford St., London & rue Scribe, Paris. 28ga Shotgun (originally a rifle?) SxS, top lever, hammerless. (Anson fore grip 1872 patent use #7757 ). (Builder’s gun)
25460 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277, Oxford St., London. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. top lever, hammerless, back action side lock, Steel barrels. Greener treble wedge system patent (Buffum)
25465 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga shotgun SxS. Hammergun.
25516 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address). 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. top lever, box lock, side ejector.
25519 - E.M. Reilly & Co., E.M. Reilly & Col, 16 New Oxford St. & Paris. 12 bore SxS shotgun. Top lever, BLNE. A&D use #3976. 7lbs 6 Oz pigeon gun; Cyril Adams
25572 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London and Paris. .450 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun. “To Their Majesties Kings of Spain and Portugal." "Gun & Rifle Manufacturers" on barrel
25592 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London. 12 bore. SxS shotgun. U-L, hammer gun.
25711 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 502 New Oxford St., London. 8bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
25724 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address, sleeved). 12 ga SxS Shotgun. BLE; fine scroll work.

1884: 25731 - 26780. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
25741 - E.M. Reilly & Co., ??522 Oxford St., London W??. 28 ga. Shotgun (likely originally a rifle) SxS, BLNE. (barrels may have been changed)
25825 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore shotgun, SxS.
25851 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London and rue Scribe, Paris. Shotgun SxS. 410. Side lever, hammer gun.
26210 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore, shotgun SxS. (details not known)(loading label)(redone by Reilly post 1903)
26211 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore, shotgun SxS. (details not known)(Loading label)(redone by Reilly post 1903)
26218 - No address mentioned. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. BLNE.
(2)6257 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore shotgun SxS. U-L, non-rebounding locks.
26517 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (re-barreled - Chas Smith & Sons) 28 ga Shotgun SxS. U-L, Hammer gun. (Buffum)
26537 - No rib address; left barrel E M Reilly Gun And Rifle Manufactures, 20 ga. SxS shotgun (rebored rifle?) U-L, hammer gun; (Buffum) (SXS40)
26554 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street and rue Scribe, Paris; .450 Cal Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun. Steel barrels. (SN ara "26434").
26567 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 12 ga, SxS Shotgun (NFI)
26584 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street and Rue Scribe Paris. 12 bore Shotgun SxS. BLNE. (A&D use #8072) (Papeman’s gun)
26718 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .380 cal. Rifle Black Powder. BLNE.
26730 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London and rue Scribe, Paris, 12 bore. Top key BLNE
26733 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no full address mentioned). 8 bore. Rifle SxS. top lever, hammerless; Scott Climax action Pat 761, use #1948; crystal indicator.
26734 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .430 SxS Rifle BPE. Top lever, hammer gun, rebounding back locks

1885: 26781 - 27820. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040. .*12. 27340
26781 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London & rue Scribe Paris. .360 BPE, SxS rifle. AD Boxlock; W-R C fastener Top Lever.
26879 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Action, Stock, Forearm only). 12 bore SxS shotgun. BLNE
26880 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London & Paris. .500 Rifle SxS. BPE, U-L, Hammer gun
26957 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London. 8 bore. Rifle Single. U-L,, hammer gun.
27005 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not posted). 12 ga Shotgun SxS. top lever, hammer gun.
27103 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not known); 12 bore Single barrel, Shotgun. U-L, Hammer gun (action only)
27254 - Unknown…unknown (question asked of a gun question site)
27340 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Rue Scribe, Paris. 12bore. Shotgun SxS. Hammer gun. (Last SN w/rue Scribe)
27377 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 12ga, Shotgun SxS. Top lever, hammerless; 3 barrel set, one steel. Scott Climax Action (Pat use # not mentioned), Perks, Crystal indicators (Buffum).
27515 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). Rook Rifle converted to .410. S-L, hammer gun.
27534 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 16 ga Shotgun SxS. BLNE, steel barrels 28”
27548 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .410. single barrel, hammer gun.
27570 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 16ga. Shotgun SxS. Top-lever, hammer-gun. (Buffum).(Cyril Adams).
27644 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. top lever, hammerless, sidelock ejector. Steel Barrels sleeved.
27665 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London; 16ga Shotgun Single barrel. Top lever BLNE. "Not for Ball"
27687 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 20bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammergun. (rifle conversion).
27750 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 12 ga. SxS. Whitworth steel barrels. bar-in-wood, push forward U-L, hammer gun.(SXS40)
27764 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .350 single barrel rook rifle converted to .410 shotgun. S-L, back action rebounding hammer.

1886: 27821 - 28720. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
27847 - Name Not mentioned. .450 BPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, ejectors, rebounding hammer gun.
27853 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Paris Improved Patent. 16 bore, Shotgun SxS. Dolls Head; Side-clips; S-L, Scott climax action Pat 761 use #2112, Perks, crystal indicators, Scott gas check Pat 617 use #1953, Whitworth Steel barrels, 1st of pair. Argo44’s gun . "Not for Ball"
27854 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London & Paris Improved Patent. 12 bore, Shotgun SxS. Dolls Head; Side-clips; S-L, Scott climax action Pat 761 (use # not shown), Perks, crystal indicators, Whitworth steel barrels, 2nd of pair. (Buffum)
2804x? - Name Not mentioned. .410. Rifle/shotgun single. Converted from rifle. Steel barrel. Top lever, hammer gun.
286xx - E.M. Reilly & Co., address not posted. 12 ga, Shotgun SxS. Top lever, steel 29" barrels. Dutch site.
28650 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 12ga Shotgun SxS. Top lever, BLE. AD pat. Ejector Anson pat of 1884.

1887: 28721 - 29520. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800. . . . .##1
28861 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London; 12bore. Shotgun SxS. Top lever, rebounding hammer gun

1888: 29521 - 30300. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
29527 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 10bore. Shotgun SxS. Black Powder, U-L, hammer gun.
30166 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 12bore. Shotgun SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
30207 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 10ga. Shotgun SxS.
30227 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore SxS shotgun. W-R type top lever/doll’s head. BLNE.
30245 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 8boreBPE. Rifle SxS. U-L, hammer gun.
30247 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street., London. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. (Buffum).
30257 - E.M. Reilly & Co., no address. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock.
30260 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 12bore Shotgun SxS. Steel barrels boxlock.
30295 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address unknown). Rifle SxS. 8 bore (GaryD007's gun)

1889: 30301 - 31000. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700. . . . .**17. 30768
303xx - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Steel barrels. BLE, Built on W-R action. "Not for Ball."(pre 1887) (Lubzinski's gun).
303xx - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Steel barrels. BLE, Built on W-R action. #2 of pair (Norway gun)
30342 - E.M. Reilly & ? (London address obscured), rue..Paris? (on 2nd barrel). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock hammerless live pigeon gun. (Buffum)(now SxS 40).
30363 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. Top lever, Anson & Deely patent use #6250. #1 of pair.
303xx? - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 12ga, Shotgun SxS. BLE. Top lever. Anson & Deeley patent use #6265; A&D pat 427
30375 - E.M. Reilly & Co., No address - sleeved. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. Top Lever. Anson & Deeley #1 of pair
30376 - E.M. Reilly & Co., No address - sleeved. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. Top Lever. Anson & Deeley #2 of pair
30394 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned). 12 bore, Sidelock, Hammer gun, ejector. (Christies 1995-no details)
30394 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12 bore. SxS shotgun, hammer gun, ejector. Jeffries patent ejector 7895-85 #1 of pair (Dereck Stimpson - Gunmakers Company)
30395 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. 12 bore. SxS shotgun, hammer gun, ejector. (sleeved) Jeffries patent ejector 7895-85 #2 of pair (Dereck Stimpson - Gunmakers Company)
30428 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). 12 bore, Shotgun SxS. Sidelock, ejector.
30436 - name/address not mentioned. .380. Rifle single barrel. BLE, Hammer gun, Park rifle.
30446 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12 bore, Shotgun SxS. BLE, doll’s head W-R type top-lever; 30” Damascus. AD Patent use #7156
30456 - Address/name not mentioned. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Top lever Box lock. (Terry Weiland)
30680 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore Shotgun SxS. top lever hammer gun.
30768 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. A&D patent use #8245 (PAY’s gun)(A&D Patent expired sep 1889)
30782 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St, London. Shotgun. double rifled barrels, U-L, hammer gun
30791 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St, London. .380BPE. Rifle SxS. Box lock. (A&D boxlock pat use #????)
30846 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned. 450BPE. Rifle SxS. BLE. Steel barrels. (Buffum).

1890: 31001 – 31680. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
1891: 31681 – 32280. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600

1892: 32281 – 32830. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
32530 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). .500 Rifle SxS. BLE
32576 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London. .410 rifle converted to shotgun, single barrel, push forward U-L
32581 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). Shotgun SxS 16bore; T-L, BLE (John Cambell’s 2006 DGClassic article gun).
32658 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (rebarrelled by Benjamin Wide, BRUM). Shotgun SxS 12bore; Sidelock, Scott patent gun; Perkes ejector pat 10679-86 use #290
32661 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 12 ga, shotgun SxS, BLE, self-opener
32665 - E.M. Reilly (full address not mentioned in either ad). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE.
32667 - E.M. Reilly & Co., New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. (Buffum).

1893: 32831 – 33280. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450

32862 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. Shotgun. 12 bore. Top lever hammer gun; (stock, forearm and case labels only)
32881 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London. Shotgun 12 bore. U-L, hammer-gun
32971 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock.
32974 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock. Ball and Shot.
33239 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned); 12 bore, shotgun SxS, BLE. Doll’s head.
33243 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS (from a case label)
33269 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford St., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Top lever, hammergun.

1894: 33281 – 33720. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
33286 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. 1 of pair
33287 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. 2of pair
33358 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. Shotgun SxS, 12 bore BLE (steel, sleeved barrels)
33419 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. .450 BPE SxS rifle. Anson forearm Pat use #28229
33454 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Sleeved). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. Sidelock ejector. Steel 30” brl sleeved. #2 of pair
33487 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS (from a case label)
33491 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford Street, London. 28 ga. Shotgun SxS. Hammergun. 24” brls. 3lb 12.5 oz.
33508 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. #1 of pair. Perks cocking rod pat 1968-78 use# 2993
33619 - (no name on rib - re-barreled). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Steel barrel Sidelock, sleeved by Westley Richards 1960. Perkes ejector pat 10679-86 use #540
33623 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS.
33640 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Action, stock, forearm only) 12 bore SxS shotgun. BLE
33673 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 12 bore (original Rifle). SxS. top lever, hammer gun. steel barrels.
33713 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12 ga SxS. Shotgun. BLNE. Steel barrels.

1895: 33721 – 34150. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
33727 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga SxS, Shotgun. Sidelock ejector. Steel 28” brls
33741 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 bore SxS Shotgun. Sidelock ejector.
33747 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned-replacement barrels by CS Rosson & Co.). 12 bore SxS shotgun. Top lever, side lock, ejector. #1 of pair
33748 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned-replacement barrels by CS Rosson & Co.). 12 bore SxS shotgun. Top lever, side lock, ejector. #2 of pair
33832 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned)(sleeved). 12ga Shotgun SxS. Top lever, BLE.
33858 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London, 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. BLE; replacement steel barrels. Perkes Patent 10679 Use #810; Scott gas check use #5897. #1 of pair.
33881 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. Top lever, BLE, Steel brls.(2 brl set)
33890 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. Top lever, side lock, BLE, Steel brls. #2 of pair
33922 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS side lock ejector. Cyril Adams gun.
33923 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned -sleeved). 12 bore Shotgun SxS, Side lock ejector.
33950 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16, New Oxford St., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Side lock ejector. (Obendorf’s gun)
33991 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 16 bore Shotgun SxS. Top lever, hammer gun, locks with name.

1896: 34151 – 34670. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420. . . . .##2
34164 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16, New Oxford St., London, 12 ga, SxS shotgun.
34221 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 16 bore-.450. Cape gun SxS. (pair) Buffum
34222 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 16 bore-.450. Cape gun SxS. (pair) Buffum
34247 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. (Buffum)
34250 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Address not mentioned) 12 bore SxS Shotgun BLNE.
34330 - E.M. Reilly & Co., Oxford Street, London. .410. Side lever, hammer gun.
34424 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London (address not mentioned); 12 ga, Shotgun SxS. NE
34442 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Steel re-barrel - no address). 12 ga, Shotgun SxS. restocked. SLE. 26” steel barrels. Belgian proof marks. Re-stocked.
34478 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (full address not mentioned). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock.
34515 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford St., London. SxS rifle, .500 BPE. BLNE. Steel barrels
34523 - E.M. Reilly & Co, (Address not noted). SxS 12 bore. BLNE. Steel barrels
34572 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (full address not mentioned)/ 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Sidelock.
34582 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Hammer gun, 28" steel (re)barreled by Westley Richards.
34585 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 295 Oxford St., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. 6lb10oz. 30" Steel barrels (rebarreled after 1903?)
34598 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). 16ga. Shotgun SxS. Hammer gun, Extractor. 28” Damascus barrels.

1897: 34671 – 34920. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250. .*13. 34723
34723 - E.M Reilly & Co., 16 New Oxford Street, London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Hammer gun. (Argo44's gun) Last SN with 16 New Oxford St.
34865 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12bore. Shotgun SxS. BLE.

1898: 34921 – 35080. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
35058 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12 bore SxS shotgun. BLE
35079 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. SLE. (Toby Barclay) -(brls proofed pre-1896; Southgate pat 12314; Southgate ejector trip pat 8239)

1899: 35081 – 35180. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
35097 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Stock and action only). 28 ga, Shotgun SxS. BLE.
35165 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (No name on rib/barrels). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. SLE. 30” steel barrels

1900: 35181 – 35250. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70. . . . .**18. 35186. . . ##3. . 35186
35186 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 277 Oxford St., London. 12 bore. Shotgun SxS. BLE. Steel barrels. Post 1898 trade label. London 1896-1904 proof marks

1901: 35251 – 35300. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
35251 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. (frame/barrels)
35292 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Rebarreled by Robert Dollimore in NZ). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. Push forward U/L.

1902: 35301 – 35350. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

1903: 35351 – 35400. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
35367 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. Steel Barrels.
35394 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. Steel Barrels.

1904: 35401 – 35450. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. .*14. 35423
35400 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 295 Oxford St., London; 12 bore SxS shotgun (from IGC - case label)
35422 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (Action/stock/forearm only). 12 bore SxS shotgun., BLE (Probably #1 of pair to the below gun).
35423 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 295 Oxford Street in London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE. (1904?) 2nd of a pair. (First SN with 295 Oxford.).

1905: 35451 - 35500. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
35458 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock.
35472 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (sleeved, no address). 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock.
35493 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (rebarreled). 16ga. Shotgun SxS. Barrels by Elderkin & Son. (Buffum)

1906: 35501 - 35535. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

1907: 35536 - 35565. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. . . . .**19. 35554
35551 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 295 Oxford Street, London. .300. Rifle Single barrel. Rook rifle. Sidelever.
35554 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 295 Oxford Street, London. .500/.465 Nitro Express SxS BL rifle.

1908: 35566 - 35595. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
35574 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (address not mentioned)…12 bore. SxS Shotgun.

1909: 35596 - 35625. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1910: 35626 - 35655. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1911: 35656 - 35685. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
35678 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no address mentioned). 12bore. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock. (Last extant Reilly)

1912: 35686 - 35700. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15. . *15. Bankruptcy declared

Post August 1922 - ? 130000 - 150000. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,000?. . *16 - Riggs production
133805 - E.M. Reilly & Co., (no barrel). 12 bore SxS Shotgun BLE (Action, stock, forearm)
134183 - E.M. Reilly & Co., 16ga. SxS shotgun. BLNE
136535 - E.M. Reilly..not mentioned. 12 ga. Shotgun SxS. BLE.
136720 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 12ga SxS Shotgun. hammer gun, extractor
138279 - E.M. Reilly (address not mentioned). 20bore Shotgun SxS. BLE
139801 - E.M. Reilly (address not mentioned). 12 bore Shotgun SxS. Hammer gun
140415 - E.M. Reilly, London. 16bore shotgun SxS. 30" steel barrels
140451 - E.M. Reilly, London. 16bore Shotgun SxS. (Charles Riggs, post 1917)
144939 - E.M. Reilly, London, 12 bore Shotgun SxS BLNE. 28" barrels.
144941 - E.M. Reilly, London, 12 bore Shotgun SxS BLE, 28” barrels
146242 - E.M. Reilly & Co. Ltd., London; 12bore. Top lever hammer gun. Pistol grip stock.
147613 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London; 12 bore, SxS shotgun, top lever. Ejector.
150570 - E.M. Reilly & Co., London. 12ga. Shotgun SxS. Boxlock non-ejector. (Brm proofs)

Footnotes to the above:

*Marker Footnotes
*1 - 1825 Reilly allegedly joined the London Proof House; This date is chosen as the start date for Reilly making guns though it could well have been a couple of years later. Reilly was NOT mentioned in an 1825 list of London gun-makers and first ad in the London newspapers for Reilly guns so far found is in 1827. Likewise, 001 is chosen as the number of the first gun though it could have been "100." 1st extant SN'd gun is 162. Address was 12 Middle Row; Address on ribs is "Holborn Bars."
*2 - Late Aug 1835 Reilly moved to 315 High Holborn; 1st SN'd gun with High Holborn is 1024
*3 - JC Reilly appears to have split his main-line serial numbers with a series he kept for himself in late 1845-early 1846 begining around 7000. SN 7023 is the first of these with JC Reilly on the rib but still with the High Holborn address.
*4 - Last main-line SN with High Holborn on the rib is 3329.
*5 - Late March 1847 Reilly moved to 502 New Oxford Street. The main line SN series was bumped up 5000 numbers; 1st SN'd gun with 502 along with "removed from Holborn" is 8378. (Note: This is a hypothesis since this gun was advertised as "8578," a number which another gun already carries. This gun is a J.C. Reilly SxS gun with the New Oxford St. address and "Removed from Holborn" on the label.
*6 - First JC Reilly 7000 series with 502 Oxford is 7201 which also has "removed from Holborn" on the label.
*7 - 1857, September: JC retired; the last extant SN in the JC Reilly "7000" series (with "Veni, Vidi, Vici" on the rib) is 8186.
*8 - 315 Oxford Street opened mid-January 1859. The company used the name "Reilly & Co., for a short while in early 1859. The first gun with "Oxford St." and "Reilly & Co." is 10811, ordered late 1858 and probably engraved and delivered in February-March 1859.
*9 - The company name changed definitively to E.M. Reilly & Co. in October 1859; The 1st extant SN'd gun with EM Reilly on the rib is 11227.
*10 - mid Feb 1868 Reilly opened 2 rue Scribe Paris; 1st extant SN'd gun with rue Scribe on the rib is 14983.
*11 - Nov 1881 Oxford Street was renumbered; 1st extant Reilly with 277 Oxford street (or 16 New Oxford St.) on the rib is 23536.
*12 - July 1885 Reilly closed rue Scribe; last extant Reilly with "rue Scribe" on the rib is 27340. *(Note: There are 3 later guns SN 27533, 27570 and 27854 with "Paris" on their barrels. All three have Whitworth steel barrels and are built on Scott Climax triplex actions. I've chosen not to use these as the end marker for rue Scribe, at least not yet; Reilly at this time was selling both off-the-rack/ready-made guns and bespoke guns made-to-order and I believe these may have been already engraved and sitting in the shop, but not numbered until sold. This is a subjective judgement of course. Additional serial numbers may change this.)
*13 - 1898 Reilly closed 16 (502) New Oxford Street. Last extant SN'd gun with 16 New Oxford Street on the rib is 34723
*14 - 1903 Reilly moved from 277 Oxford St. to 295 Oxford st. First extant gun with 295 on the rib is 35422
*15 - June 8, 1912 Reilly declared bankruptcy. Last extant SN'd gun is 35678. Bert Reilly subsequently opened a small gun shop at 13 High Street, Marylebone as "E.M Reilly & Co.", which lasted to about 1918-early 1919; no guns with this address on ribs have been found, no advertisements for it exist.
*16 - in August 1922 (date confirmed-per newspaper advertisements) the Reilly name was bought by Charles Riggs. The name/address on the ribs was "EM Reilly & Co., London." Riggs' had historical connections to BSA - however, some believe his guns were built by Osborn/Midland. The serial numbers became 6 digits apparently beginning around 130000 - The first extant Riggs-Reilly so far found is 134183; the last is 150570. How many of these "Reilly" Riggs guns were produced or how Riggs' numbering system actually worked is not clear

Sanity Checks:
**1. - 7201 would have been serial numbered in late summer-fall 1847. It has the 502 New Oxford St. address (post 23 March 1847) and the label "removed from Holborn" (which existed from April 1847 through November 1847.
**2. - After his triumph at Paris in 1855 - "all guns were sold and many orders booked." The increase in production by 2

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