Issue 68 February 2025

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Help Save Shooting In Wales

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Issues & Events|May 2023

You may have already heard about the issues Wales face regarding game shooting regulations and the proposed new laws. Effectively Wales will become the first country in the UK to license the release of gamebirds.

This has prompted huge concern about the future of biodiversity and the impact that excessive regulation could have on the rural economy and community.

the Welsh Government, proposes an outright ban

A 12-week consultation, launched by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) on behalf of the Welsh Government, proposes an outright ban on all gamebird releasing anywhere in Wales and then proposes a system of licensing for the release of pheasants and red-legged partridge. Click here to read the full consultation

Simply put, an anti-shooting Welsh Government will have the power to shut down game shooting. Please don't let the opposition win because you remained silent!

This is a written response - Notes on responses below
Further advice can be found here from National Gamekeepers Association

we need as MANY responses as possible

Q1: Give your name.
Q2: Give your email address (optional).
Q3: Ignore.
Q4: Say no, because that is a ban on gamebird releasing.

Q5: It will not be effective. It could in fact be counterproductive, since it is highly likely there would be less conservation work undertaken in the Welsh countryside due to the uncertainty a licensing system brings with it.

Q6: Clearly more research is needed in this area, and nothing should be changed that could cause nature conservation efforts or businesses to collapse due to poor decisions being made. Therefore, no reasonable governing authority should be making any recommendations or assumptions until that is done.

Q7: Current research shows that woodland managed for game is two thirds better for flora and fauna then woodland that has no game management. Therefore, all of the woodland, hedgerow and scrub cover should be taken into account.

Q8: If density is a factor, then a large number of birds released over a large area will have reduced risks

Q 9-12: you can skip these questions, unless you have comments to make on whether the proposals could in any way affect opportunities for people to use the Welsh language.


Thank you for your help and support – we need as MANY responses as possible to add weight to this argument so please do pass this on to anyone who Hunts and Shoots.

Published by Vintage Guns Ltd on

Issues & Events|May 2023

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Vintage Gun Journal category advertiser: John Dickson & Son Gunmakers

Vintage Gun Journal category advertiser: Donald Dallas Books

Vintage Gun Journal category advertiser: Gurkha Welfare Trust