Issue 69 March 2025

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Single Barrel Hammer Fun

Probably the cheapest way to enjoy hammer guns

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Guns & Gunmakers|July 2023

Single barrel hammer guns used to be the entry level sporting gun for boys and they were popular for rough shooting, or as farmer's tools, for decades.

Guns like this Isaac Hollis still appear regularly and they do not sell for very much money. They are not really appropriate for a driven bird shoot but they are still fun to use around the farm.

Most of those encountered will be lower grade, plainly finished Birmingham trade guns. However, occasionally one turns up that is a better quality than the norm. This is one of those rarities.

With a very nicely figured walnut stock, well-made Damascus barrel and a well-fitted, single, back-action hammer lock, it remains tight and very serviceable, though it would respond to a sympathetic clean-up.

In the short film below, we demonstrate the gun's working parts and fire it at some clays.

Published by Vintage Guns Ltd on

Guns & Gunmakers|July 2023

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